Transformation is Beautiful!

What a journey I am on! God is great! He is AMAZING! He has given me another opportunity to share my story! Here is my most recent article published on the Live Breathe Alaska Website! The link below is to my Facebook blog: Beautiful Expressions: A Soul’s Reflection. Here you will find my article, “Transformation” …

Time Alone With God IS Time Well Spent

Neglecting time, I could be spending with my family to spend time with God, doesn’t mean I don’t love them. By doing so, I am placing more respect on myself and my needs to become a better person. I, too, need time alone, sacred and intimate time to hear His voice and feel His unconditional …

What Do You Do With An Emotion?

Romans 8:28 (ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Funny how music can bring out so much emotion. From the heart, the soul, my mind, into tears. Exercising on the elliptical to elicit the happy, feel good …

Happy Birthday Mukkove Johnson! (My Christian Women’s Life Coach, Family, Friend)

Today, this day, April 25, 2020, a very important person in my life deserves recognition and praise. On this day, someone special was born bringing life to our days. No ordinary person, this is. She is my Christian Women’s Life Coach, she is my cousin, family on the paternal side. As a child, never would …

A Reflection on Brene Brown: “BRAVING”

My Christian Women’s Life Coach, Mukkove Johnson, shared a Brene Brown YouTube video with me last week. I spoke briefly of her in my last blog entry from yesterday, and I have since taken the time to listen in even more closely and take note on everything she had to say. Brene had done a …

My Best Friend…The One I Can Trust

What is it, Lord, you want me to see? What is it Lord, you want me to do? Who is it Lord, that you want me to meet? Will this person, this place, this thing and/or idea, bring discomfort? Peace? To help me understand? To help me realize? To help me appreciate? To help me …

Rise Up, Find Strength From Within

“Go F___Yourself: Advice From a Friend” (Click on the link below to read my original blog about my advice from a friend.) Go F___Yourself: Advice From a Friend A friend Once told me Go F_ _ _ YOURSELF   At the time, I thought… What the nerve! How dare you tell me to… Go FIND MYSELF! …

You ARE Worth it… Invest in YOU!

People place so much value on money, neglecting their own health and well being. You think you can fly solo…do this all on your own in life, until one day, reality hits you and you fall flat down upon your face! REALITY CHECK!!! Yes, I know! I have been there! I am still working through …

Your Soul Knows the Way…Follow

A journey starts with just one step. Begin by first deciding which foot to place in front of the other and then alternate. Keep going, you’ve got this. You are making progress. Me, yes…I, just took one big step, rather this first big step was more like a leap of faith. I know the importance …

Positive Mindset-Positive Life

You! Yes, You! You are such a liar! You fed me so much bitter and rotten fruit! How did I fall prey to your trickery? At the time, the fruit you had given me tasted ever so very sweet! My taste buds danced inside my mouth. I was overjoyed with much sweetness and flavor. I …

Messes Are Nothing in Comparison to His Love

Last week, I felt as if my life was such a mess. Old memories, days of my past, revisited, resurfaced, brought back old energy. So much hurt, pain, sadness and confusion, all flowed out in the form of tears. Tears, many tears. God, how many are there? Will these ever stop. Tears, they did flow …

Life Is a Highway…

My day started out just like any other day. God, He woke me up and encouraged me to do and be my best self. I crawled out of bed, got myself dressed, brushed my teeth and ate some healthy breakfast. Old fashioned oatmeal has ben the breakfast of champions for me for quite some time …

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